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8 Agile Ways of Planning Your Game Development Project

Regardless of the scale, every game development project needs articulate planning. With creativity flowing deep in their blood, developers can get in over their heads when creating a game. As such, they may experience difficulty coming up with a concrete idea.  In this case, having a solid game development plan is a surefire way to […]

10 Must-have Tools for Managing Offshore Teams

Offshoring software development tasks opens businesses up to vast tech talents and advanced technologies. It also offers flexibility, allowing an organization to scale up and down a needed.  To achieve success, managing a development team properly is crucial. So, what is managing offshore teams? Over-seeing a dedicated team means having administrative control over the team, […]

How to set up offshore development center?

Are you considering initiating an offshore development center to create programming solutions for your organization? You’ve come to the right place. This article focuses on how to set up offshore development center in 5 easy steps. But first, what is offshore development center? An offshore development center is a brick-and-mortar workplace you can pitch overseas […]