Category: Digital

Easy Team Building Activities for Remote Employees in 2022

Explore practical team building activities for remote employees. Find out how to build chemistry as a remote team despite the different time zones. Expert insights from These days, businesses are expanding all over the place, opening offices in different parts of the world and hiring remote workers. This means that business managers have to […]

How to Handle Time Zone Differences When Working With Offshore Software Development Teams

According to a survey conducted by Statista, over 10% of respondents complained about the time zone differences. This can be a major challenge if not addressed properly.  If you are wondering “how best to manage the time zone variations in offshore software development?”—this article will provide in-depth insights on the subject. Read on to start […]

How to Educate Remote Developers About Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity for developers is a relatively new and trending word on the internet today. Every developer is concerned about the safety of their works online, and at times, offline.   The internet grew from being a military communication and research data storage tool in the 1960s into a network essential for life and livelihood in the […]

E-learning Development Services for Startups & Growing Companies

Since its advent in the 1920s and its earliest significant invention – the PLATO – in 1960, e-learning has seen tremendous development. According to Statista, the global e-learning industry will surpass the $243 billion mark by 2022, which doesn’t come as a surprise. E-learning has moved past educational institutions and is establishing its authority in […]