Offshore development center



An offshore software development center is an optimal solution if you need a full-fledged development team, but don’t want to spend resources on recruiting and maintaining the office infrastructure. The offshore center is located in another country but acts as a technical department of your company. The software vendor takes over the recruitment, setting the infrastructure and managing the administration issues. 

One of the main offshore development center benefits is full customization. Since offshore partnership is a long-term one, the software provider fully customizes the working process to the client’s needs.

By selecting Argent as your offshore partner, you get access to the largest European pool of developers. The rates of Ukrainian programmers are more affordable than the one of their western colleagues and the Ukrainian taxing system is loyal for IT companies. Setting up the development center in Ukraine, you save up to 50% of development costs.


Since 2016, Argent IT offshoring services help companies create and implement IT solutions to achieve their digital business goals. We provide the entire stack of offshore development center services — planning, design, development, and maintenance of tech solutions.

HIRING AND ONBOARDING THE TEAM: We will gather the development and management team according to the needs of your project. Argent team will deal with all HR and management matters, including team building and establishing the business culture. We will also organize all the company events, including corporate parties, business trips, educational conferences, etc. 

OPENING AND FULL EQUIPPING OF THE OFFICE: The Argent team organizes, equips, and provides 24/7 support for the office of any size. In addition, we will take care of modern design and equipment, play, and relaxation areas for the staff.

FULL ACCOUNTING AND LEGAL SUPPORT: A team of professional accountants will take care of the financial side of the business strategies. Our team is responsible for timely paying the salaries, bonuses, vacation and maternity fees, and taxes. In addition, experienced lawyers will help you do business in Ukraine

SECURITY: We take offshore development center security seriously, and it’s up to the client to decide which information will be publicly available or covered by NDA. Our team will also take care of office security and implement advanced measures, if necessary. 

CONTINUOUS SUPPORT: With the project’s launch, our work with the client does not end. We will constantly keep you updated regarding any changes in the business or legal area of the Ukrainian offshoring market



Since 2016, Argent IT offshoring services help companies create and implement IT solutions to achieve their business goals. We provide the entire stack of HR-related services — planning, design, development, and maintenance of tech solutions.
Our specialists can consult you regarding the following questions:

  •  Hiring and onboarding the team
  •  Opening and full equipping of the office
  • Full accounting and legal support
  •  Security
  • Continuous support



By choosing Argent as your offshore provider, you get a reliable business partner that comprehensively covers all the development & management needs. So, for you, we will open the office, gather the team of developers and managers, and fully take over all the legal matters. But, first, let us tell you how we handle the process of launching an ODC.

DISCUSSING THE REQUIREMENTS: At this stage, we will deeply study your business domain and project to understand your needs. Then, we will clarify the requirements and create a detailed roadmap on how to achieve your business goals. Finally, you will get full support in opening an ODC, including any additional services.

ESTIMATION AND ACTION: Having a detailed work plan, we can calculate an exact estimate of the resources required for implementation. As a result, our time & money estimates are transparent, and there are no hidden fees. Together we will decide on the required development and management team size and the exact skill set.

ODC OPENING: Once we gather your offshore development center, we will provide all administrative issues such as office management and security, full legal support of the business, and advice on any additional problems.

PROJECT LAUNCHING: After everything settles, your nearshore development center is ready to enter the game. First, the engineers will bring your idea to life by developing and launching your product to the end-users. Then, after the center’s launch, we provide full advice on any extensions and improvements to the client’s business.